As April came to a close, so did the month long Seasons Reading Readathon, Spring Into Horror. As per usual, I never ever read as much as I hope to, but here is a re-cap of the books I read, finished, reviewed and am still in the process of reading.

Book 1 : Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill.

This was the first book on my hit list. I had started it quite a while ago, didn't finish it, and when April came along, it was the perfect time to complete See my review here.

Book 2 : They Feed by Jason Parent

Second book on the TBR list was a surprise. And it fit the bill nicely. What a great story, and it got me into the mood to read horror very quickly. See my review here.

I digressed from the horror genre for 24 hours while I participated in the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon. I read the following books by Piers Anthony.
Book 3 : Centaur Aisle (Book 4 in the Xanth series) Review to follow.

Book 4 : Ogre, Ogre (Book 5 in the Xanth series) Review to follow.

Book 5: Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry

And finally, the last book on my list was this gem of a horror story by Jonathan Maberry. This is the first in a series, and what an amazing writer he is. Fantastic book, and my review will be posted soon.

That is my Spring into Horror Readathon wrap up. Hope you enjoyed reading it, and maybe it inspired you to check out some new authors as well.
The next readathon will be the Summer Sci-Fi readathon which runs from June 1 thru to June 14. Looking forward to it. If you would like to learn more or join the readathon, click here for more information.
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