
Monday, May 21, 2018

May Ideas Leading Into June

My oh my,  it has been a busy stretch of months for me and reading.  Unofficially starting with Winter's Respite in January,  I seemed to immediately Spring into Horror in April.  During that time was also Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon, and that lead me to the Bout of Books last week, which will take me right into Sci-Fi Summer.  Now this is fun!

First I will talk about my (nominal) progress for Bout of Books.  Bout of Books is a week long Readathon, which is quite laid back and the only real rule is that you read.  I finished my book by Piers Anthony, Ogre, Ogre, and instead of continuing to explore the Xanth world, (which I still wholeheartedly want to do!) I decided to start to get into the swing of Sci-Fi to prepare me for Sci-Fi Summer. I put Xanth to bed for the time being.  That being said, I read 345 pages. I finished one book and started another.  This is my second time participating in Bout of Books and it has been great both times so far.  Next Bout of Books is August 20 - August 26th.  I will be sure to participate in that one as well.  Thank you to Amanda and Kelly for putting on such a great readathon.

Of course, a readathon would be nothing if not for the readers themselves.  What a great community these readathoners are made up of.  I asked the participants of the Bout of Books world to help me out.  I wanted a Sci-fi series to read, that didn't have too many volumes and was a good read.  Within a short time I had three recommendations, and I decided to start with the first.  More on that shortly.

With Bout of Books complete, and Sci-Fi Summer around the corner I decided to jump in with both feet, and embrace the quirkyness of Sci-Fi starting yesterday.  There is just so much good stuff out there in the Sci-Fi genre.  I honestly have not kept my finger on the pulse of this area of reading.  Sci-Fi Summer is going to help me out!

scifi summer 2018

Sci-Fi Summer officially starts on June 1st and runs for 2 weeks ending June 14th.  It is hosted by Seasons of Reading and you are encouraged to read at least one title of the Science Fiction genre.  Because Sci-Fi and Fantasy are so closely related, reading Fantasy is also acceptable.  I have officially signed up, and if you are wanting to do the same, please click here to do so.

And this now takes me to the awesome readers who recommended my TBR for Sci-Fi Summer.  Thank you first to @BookTapestry and @FlippingPages36 for recommending to me the Illuminae Files by @AmieKaufman and @misterkristoff .


Each book in The Illuminae Files will focus on two new teens (a male/female) experiencing a different aspect of the same invasion. The trilogy is united by a report which documents the occurrences from each duo’s point of view.  I am looking forward to exploring this series and may not wait until Sci-Fi Summer.

Another series that was recommended to me by @marianne_c05 is We Are Legion by Dennis E Taylor...


This Trilogy tells the story of Robert "Bob" Johansson, who, after becoming financially independent by selling his software company, decides to spend some of his money by contracting to have his head cryogenically frozen upon his death. The next day he is unexpectedly killed in an automobile accident, and his contract is activated. He wakes up 117 years later and finds that he has been harvested from his frozen disembodied head and installed in a computer matrix as an artificial intelligence. The world has significantly changed.

And finally, the last and most current trilogy also recommended by @marianne_c05 was the Wayfarers Series by Becky Chambers.

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This book follows the travels of The Wayfarer, a wormhole-building ship, and its small crew. The ship is introduced through the arrival of Rosemary Harper, the new clerk. Shortly after her arrival, the ship is offered a lucrative job creating a passage to Hedra Ka, which will require over a year of travel to reach. The rest of the book follows the events of their journey. The final book is to be released this summer.

I am certain to be entertained by all of these series, and I am going to go ahead and re-acquaint myself with the genre I loved so much growing up as a young lad on the prairies, staring up at the billions and billions of stars on a beautiful summers evening.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Bout of Books 22

It has been a few days since my last readathons, and to tell the truth, I am in a bit of a slump. I think I am coming down with a bout of books. And I know a fantastic home remedy that will cure this. I will read away my slump with this readathon.

For those that don't know what Bout of Books is... here you go:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 14th and runs through Sunday, May 20th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 22 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

This will be my second time participating in this readathon. Hope you all will join me.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring Into Horror Readathon 2018 Wrap Up

spring into horror rat

As April came to a close, so did the month long Seasons Reading Readathon, Spring Into Horror.  As per usual, I never ever read as much as I hope to, but here is a re-cap of the books I read, finished, reviewed and am still in the process of reading.


Book 1 : Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill.


This was the first book on my hit list.  I had started it quite a while ago, didn't finish it, and when April came along, it was the perfect time to complete  See my review here.


Book 2 : They Feed by Jason Parent


Second book on the TBR list was a surprise.  And it fit the bill nicely.  What a great story, and it got me into the mood to read horror very quickly.  See my review here.


I digressed from the horror genre for 24 hours while I participated in the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon.  I read the following books by Piers Anthony.

Book 3 : Centaur Aisle (Book 4 in the Xanth series) Review to follow.


Book 4 : Ogre, Ogre (Book 5 in the Xanth series) Review to follow.



Book 5: Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Maberry


And finally, the last book on my list was this gem of a horror story by Jonathan Maberry.  This is the first in a series, and what an amazing writer he is.  Fantastic book, and my review will be posted soon.


That is my Spring into Horror Readathon wrap up.  Hope you enjoyed reading it, and maybe it inspired you to check out some new authors as well.

The next readathon will be the Summer Sci-Fi readathon which runs from June 1 thru to June 14.  Looking forward to it.  If you would like to learn more or join the readathon, click here for more information.