And this brings me to the announcement of the newest creation of the host of this years #SomethingWickedThisFallComes #Readathon. This is a combination of readathons Michelle has been hosting on her two blogs, (the Fall event at Castle Macabre and the FrightFall Readathon in October at Seasons of Reading ) and for the first time ever, it has spawned into a TWO MONTH readathon, named after an authour she greatly admires.

This is a very relaxed readathon, so if you are thinking you can't read for two months straight, please understand you do not have to do this. This is truly a place to connect with other readers who share the same themes and reading material as you do. The community is the best I have ever had the pleasure of participating with. The Readathon starts off with a 48 hour readathon starting at midnight this morning and contiues until September 2nd at 11:59PM CDT. But that is just the appetizer. Michelle has a ton of cool happenings planned including: a readalong of Ray Bradbury's classic, a horror movie watchalong, a number of 48 hour readathons, and of course, all with the spooky theme that comes along with fall.

The picture above was created by Deviant art user croonstreet and it's called Spooky Tales. I remember me being the kid in the picture, many nights when I was young, and I still try to find that elusive feeling, which kept me awake so much as a child .... in adulthood. And the only way I have come close to realizing this feeling, is by reading amazing stories by some incredible people , who have toiled away late into the night, to bring their nightmares to life, in books we can all enjoy.
There is so much going on in the next couple of months, I have not yet made my TBR list, but to ease myself into the fun I am currently reading The Man On The Bench by Robert Swartwood.

I have not read anything by Swartwood, but I am looking forward to reading this spooky novella. This is a nice short book, it will get me grounded in the spookiverse, and whet my appetite for the coming months. Thank you for reading my blog, and as always , all comments are appreciated. Happy Fall.